Quantum Science and Technology
in the Max Planck Society

Named after Max Planck, who introduced the revolutionary quantum hypothesis in 1900, the Max Planck Society is Germany’s premier organisation for basic research. It is home to some of the world’s most outstanding research groups in the area of Quantum Science and Technology. This website is your one-stop resource to explore these groups!

Find additional resources below, such as graduate schools within the Max Planck Society and a list of all institutes in this domain.

Quantum Communication
Quantum Computation
Quantum Simulation
Quantum Information Theory
Quantum Materials
Quantum Devices
Quantum Sensing

Additional Resources

An online lecture series presenting some of the most important recent ideas in this area. Follow the link to view the schedule and recordings!

A joint graduate school program of several Max Planck Institutes in the field of quantum materials. Follow the link above to learn more!

A Max Planck graduate school covering all areas of photonics, including quantum optics. Follow the link above to read more!

The large-scale Bavarian quantum computing research initiative, involving two Max Planck Institutes, universities and other research organizations.

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for the Chemical Physics of Solids

Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics 

A Max Planck graduate school run by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

[If you are a research group leader in the Max Planck Society and would like to see yourself represented here, please contact marquardt-office@mpl.mpg.de]