Quantum Radiation
We work on the generation, characterization, and application of quantum states of light, ranging from photon pairs and triplets to bright twin beams and squeezed light. Here, one extreme case is entangled photons generated at a nanoscale, in particular from metasurfaces. The other extreme case is bright squeezed vacuum, a quantum state of light that contains macroscopic numbers of photons but still behaves in a non-classical way. This variety of quantum states we apply to quantum imaging and quantum metrology. We are especially interested in techniques that enable overcoming the shot-noise limit, the best precision limit accessible for classical light.

Prof. Maria Chekhova
MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen
Group Leader

Femtosecond Fieldoscopy
The independent research group “Femtosecond Fieldoscopy” at MPI for the Science of Light is focused on ultrashort-light-matter interaction and electric-field sensing with applications spanning from nonlinear optics to quantum optics. We are persuing two major directions at the intersection of quantum optics and ultrafast physics:
Firstly, we are aiming to establish a link between strong-field physics and solotronics as they are of great interest for quantum technology but still require considerable additional fundamental study. In particular, we are developing novel strong field methods to access tomographic information of the wave-function of single impurities. The novel technique offers complementary capacities to the current imaging technology, scanning tunneling microscopy. Secondly, we are investigating different approaches to harvest the unique properties of quantum light to overcome the shot-noise detection limit in electric-field sensing and spectro-microscopy.

Dr. Hanieh Fattahi
MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen
Max Planck Research Group Leader

Nanoscale Science with a focus on systems determined by quantum behavior
Klaus Kern heads the Nanoscale Science Department at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. We address the fundamental properties of nanostructures at the single atomic and molecular level in order to characterize physical and chemical properties atom by atom. Our experiments provide an important benchmark for the understanding of quantum physics in nanostructures.

Prof. Klaus Kern
MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart Scientific Director

Solid-state Quantum Spintronics and Quantum Optics
Jörg Wrachtrup and his group pursue research on solid-state quantum spintronics and quantum optics. Specifically, the group focuses on the synthesis and utilization of isolated solid-state spin systems for quantum technology like nanoscale quantum sensing, as well as quantum information processing. Spin systems are assembled atom-by-atom and integrated into control structures and specifically designed photonic environments. The group utilizes quantum algorithms for enhanced signal processing, as well as single dopant atoms for nanoscale precision sensing for material science.

Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup
University of Stuttgart
Max Planck Fellow